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Dunkin’ Donuts Interactive Nutrition Calculator & Drink Guide

Recent Updates

Aug 29 2024: Removed summer drinks and added all Fall items including pumpkin drinks and Dunkalatte.

Aug 15 2024: Added ability to customize dairy amounts for applicable drinks. Improved mobile functionality for adjusting amounts.

Aug 6 2024: Tea and frozen drink categories have been added along with all pre-made drink options

Aug 1 2024: Pre-made drinks have been added to the options along with DIY options.

July 2024: Calculator has been completely overhauled for brand new functionality.

Want to say thanks?

Between this calculator, my Starbucks Calculator, and my Fast Food Calculator, I have a ton of people reaching out to me asking how they can thank me for these free resources.

The best way to thank me is by sharing my site with your friends! Spreading the word helps me a ton.
But if you insist on saying thank you, I will never complain about a Dunkin’ gift card. Dunkin’ is a staple in my life and I drink the cold brew weekly, so a little something would go a long way. You can go here and send an e-gift card to as a way to say thank you. But I cannot express this enough: you absolutely do not have to! I just want to give the option, just in case.

– Matt




Tea & More






Flavor Swirls

Flavor Shots



Nutrition Facts




0 g


0 g


0 g


0 g

Caffeine: 0 mg

Looking for Dunkin’ food options? Find them in my Fast Food Calculator which contains thousands of fast food items.

The above calculator contains all of the most up-to-date nutritional information from Dunkin’. Remember that any nutrition facts you come across will always be estimates and likely rounded, so you may notice slight discrepancies when using this calculator. Any differences should be very minimal, though!

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Explore The Dunkin’ Menu

    Is Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee Healthy?

    Super charged Dunkin coffee

    Coffee is one of those drinks that is only as unhealthy as you make it.

    On its own, black coffee contains very few calories (about 5-10 calories per cup), so it’s a very healthy option if you want a low-calorie drink.

    But what about if you want a more exciting drink like an iced macchiato or signature latte? Well, that’s when things get dicey.

    Based on whatever you’re ordering, Dunkin coffee can become unhealthy, but it truly depends on the drink order.

    Let’s look at an Iced Signature Latte as an example. Since everybody seems to love Pumpkin Spice Lattes, we’ll look specifically at that flavor.

    If you order a medium pumpkin spice latte exactly as it is listed on the menu, it will contain 420 calories and 55g of sugar. Surely that is not the “healthiest” coffee I’ve ever seen.

    But, that latte comes with whole milk, whipped cream, and a caramel drizzle, so it’s no surprise that it is higher calories.

    At Dunkin, you have the option to customize a drink however you’d like. By using my Dunkin Nutrition Calculator, we can see that ordering a medium pumpkin spice latte with skim milk, no whipped cream, and no caramel drizzle results in only 265 calories.

    By customizing the drink a bit, we can easily save over 150 calories!

    So, to address the original question: Dunkin coffee can certainly be healthy, it just depends on the order.

    What Substitution Options Does Dunkin Offer?

    Dunkin cups

    Dunkin’ may not make it very clear, but they offer a ton of drink customization options. While they don’t make these options quite as clear as Starbucks, there are still plenty of substitutions you can make.

    To explore all the substitutions, be sure to check out my Dunkin’ Nutrition Calculator at the top of this page.

    Flavor Swirl (Syrup) Substitutions: Dunkin’ uses flavored syrup in their coffee, but you can substitute a flavor swirl for a flavor shot to save some calories. Flavor shots are Dunkin’s sugar-free (and 0 calorie) syrups, but the flavor options are very limited when compared to the regular flavor swirls.

    Milk Substitutions: Many Dunkin’ drinks may contain whole milk by default, but there are plenty of other milk options to choose from. You can substitute skim milk, almond milk, or oat milk.

    Unfortunately for coconut milk fans, Dunkin’ officially discontinued coconut milk as an option in 2023.

    Sugar Substitutions: If you love sugar in your hot coffee, but you don’t love the extra calories, there are quite a few zero-calorie sweeteners to choose from. Dunkin Donuts offers Equal, Splenda, Stevia in the Raw, and Sweet N’ Low as sugar substitutes. Everyone has different attitudes towards certain artificial sweeteners, so you may not love those options, but they are available to you!

    As you can see, there are plenty of substitution options at Dunkin’, making it really easy for you to create your own healthy drink.

    The Lowest Calorie Dunkin’ Drinks on the Menu

    In the next section, I’ll be giving you some custom healthy drink orders, but we should first look at some of the lowest-calorie options on the Dunkin’ menu.

    Hot Coffee (Black): 5 Calories

    Americano from Dunkin

    Dunkin now offers a few different types of coffee bean options, so you can choose between their original blend and midnight blend. Either way, if you go with black coffee, it will be virtually calorie-free.

    The calories add up once you add sweetener, flavor swirls, and milk, but coffee is naturally extremely low calorie on its own.

    And if you prefer cold coffee, iced coffee is simply hot coffee that has been cooled down and served over ice, so the same applies!

    Cold Brew Coffee: 5 Calories

    Dunkin Cold Brew

    If drinking black hot coffee is unappealing to you, then you may want to give cold brew a try instead. Cold brew coffee differs from hot coffee in the way it’s brewed: coffee grounds are slowly steeped overnight (for 12-24 hours) rather than hot coffee, which is brewed instantly.

    The slow steeping results in a smoother cup of coffee with very little acidity. Cold brew has a slightly sweeter flavor than hot coffee, so you may find it much more palatable as black coffee.

    Don’t get me wrong: it’s still coffee. But if you want to keep your calories lower by adding less to your coffee, cold brew may just be your answer (personally, black cold brew is the only drink I order!)

    Nitro Cold Brew Coffee: 5 Calories

    Nitro cold brew is the same drink as cold brew coffee, but the “nitro” portion comes from the way it is served.

    Nitro coffee comes from a tap that infuses nitrogen into the coffee as it pours, which gives it an even smoother taste than regular cold brew. In terms of calories, it’s the same drink, but the flavor is enhanced even further.

    If you want to maximize your caffeine, nitro cold brew is the way to go. Since the nitrogen gives the coffee a beautiful cascading effect, it is served without ice. No ice means more coffee, which means more caffeine!

    Americano (Hot or Iced): 5-10 Calories

    Dunkin Cold Brew

    An Americano is an espresso shot (or multiple shots) mixed with water, so it’s no surprise that it is also very low in calories.

    Espresso has a very strong flavor, which is why it is consumed in small shots instead of full cups. However, by watering it down in an Americano, it turns into a drink you can actually sip and enjoy for a while.

    Unsweetened Iced Tea: 5 Calories

    Dunkin iced tea

    A medium sweetened iced tea contains only 100 calories, so it isn’t necessarily unhealthy, but you can keep the calories down by going with an unsweetened iced tea, either black tea or green tea.

    It’s important to note that sweetened iced tea is different from sweet tea! While a sweetened iced tea contains only 100 calories, the same size sweet tea contains 230 calories, so it’s important to understand that they are not the same drink.

    If you need some extra sweetness without the calories, you can always add some zero-calorie sweetener like Splenda or Equal to your unsweetened iced tea or hot tea.

    Healthy Dunkin Coffee Orders For You To Try

    All of these drinks were made using the Dunkin Nutrition Calculator on this page, so if you want to make some tweaks, you can do so very easily.

    These healthy Dunkin drinks are in no particular order, so feel free to bounce around to whatever sounds the most delicious to you. To qualify as a “healthy” drink for these purposes, all drinks contain 150 calories or fewer.

    All drinks are listed as medium drinks for ease of comparison, but you can check out the calculator at the top of this page to build your own drinks. For a size reference of each drink, check out the graphic below:

    Nutella Cold Brew

    Dunkin nutella cold brew

    60 Calories, 0g Fat, 12g Carbs, 1g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium cold brew
    • Add 1 mocha flavor swirl
    • Add 2 hazelnut flavor shots
    • Add 1 Splenda

    French Vanilla Creamy Coffee

    Dunkin vanilla coffee

    60 Calories, 0g Fat, 12g Carbs, 1g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium hot coffee
    • Add oat milk
    • Add 1 french vanilla flavor swirl
    • Add 2 vanilla flavor shots

    Raspberry Chocolate Cold Brew

    115 Calories, 0g Fat, 24g Carbs, 2g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium cold brew
    • Add 2 mocha flavor swirls
    • Add 2 raspberry flavor shots

    Black & White Cookie Coffee

    125 Calories, 1g Fat, 24g Carbs, 2g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium hot coffee
    • Add coconut milk
    • Add 2 mocha flavor swirls
    • Add 2 vanilla flavor shots

    Caramel Swirl Hot Latte

    125 Calories, 5.5g Fat, 17g Carbs, 2g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium latte with coconut milk
    • Add 1 caramel flavor swirl
    • Add 1 Splenda
    • Add caramel drizzle

    Peppermint Mocha Iced Coffee

    145 Calories, 0.5g Fat, 28g Carbs, 2g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium iced coffee
    • Add almond milk
    • Add 2 peppermint mocha swirls*

    *seasonal flavor may not be available

    Almond Joy Coffee

    125 Calories, 1g Fat, 24g Carbs, 2g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium hot coffee
    • Add coconut milk
    • Add 2 mocha flavor swirls
    • Add 1 coconut flavor shot
    • Add 1 toasted almond flavor shot

    Sugar Cookie Iced Latte

    105 Calories, 4.5g Fat, 15g Carbs, 2g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium iced latte with coconut milk
    • Add 1 brown sugar cookie flavor swirl*
    • Add 1 vanilla flavor shot
    • Add 1 splenda

    *seasonal flavor may not be available

    Blueberries & Cream Cappuccino

    150 Calories, 3g Fat, 27g Carbs, 2g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium hot or iced cappuccino with coconut milk
    • Add 2 french vanilla swirls
    • Add 2 blueberry flavor shots

    Samoa Girl Scout Cookie Cold Brew

    130 Calories, 0g Fat, 26g Carbs, 4g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium cold brew
    • Add skim milk
    • Add 2 caramel swirls
    • Add 2 coconut flavor shots

    White Chocolate Raspberry Coffee

    115 Calories, 0g Fat, 24g Carbs, 2g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium hot coffee
    • Add 2 toasted white chocolate flavor swirls*
    • Add 2 raspberry flavor shots

    *seasonal flavor may not be available

    Caramel Cappuccino

    145 Calories, 1g Fat, 23g Carbs, 7g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium hot cappuccino or iced cappuccino with skim milk
    • Add 1 caramel flavor swirl
    • Add 1 Splenda
    • Add caramel drizzle

    Cake Batter Iced Coffee

    140 Calories, 1g Fat, 29g Carbs, 2g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium iced coffee
    • Add oat milk
    • Add 2 french vanilla flavor swirls
    • Add 2 hazelnut flavor shots

    Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew

    100 Calories, 3g Fat, 14g Carbs, 3g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium cold brew coffee
    • Add skim milk
    • Add 2 vanilla flavor shots
    • Add 1 Splenda
    • Add Sweet Cold Foam

    Chocolate-Covered Almond Macchiato

    125 Calories, 0g Fat, 21g Carbs, 7g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium hot macchiato or iced macchiato with skim milk
    • Add 1 mocha flavor swirl
    • Add 2 toasted almond flavor shots
    • Add 1 Splenda

    Pumpkin Spice Latte

    105 Calories, 4.5g Fat, 15g Carbs, 2g Protein

    How to order:

    • Ask for a medium hot or iced latte with coconut milk
    • Add 1 pumpkin spice flavor swirl*
    • Add 1 Splenda
    • Ask for cinnamon on top

    *seasonal flavor may not be available

    Tips and Tricks to Create Your Own Healthy Dunkin Drink

    The above are just a few examples of drinks you can try, but since we all have different tastes, you’ll likely want to build your own Dunkin’ Donuts coffee.

    You may want a drink that’s super sweet, or maybe you want a drink with a very subtle flavor. Either way, here are some tips to building your own low-calorie Dunkin drink.

    Dunkin coffee and donut

    1. Stick with coffee drinks instead of espresso drinks

    If you want to keep calories lower overall, coffee-based drinks will be lower calorie than espresso based drinks. Lattes, macchiatos, and cappuccinos, all require a fair amount of milk, which will add calories to any drink.

    As an example, a medium cold brew with oat milk contains just 30 calories.

    A medium cappuccino with oat milk, on the other hand, contains 90 calories. While not a huge difference, as you continue to customize your drink, those calories can add up.

    Hot chocolate, frozen coffee, and other specialty drinks will also come with extra calories, so they may not be the best choice.

    2. Utilize unsweetened flavor shots

    Flavor swirls at Dunkin’ are regular (sweetened) flavored syrups, but flavor shots are sugar-free flavor options. They won’t add any sweetness to your drink, simply flavoring; think of flavor shots as flavor extracts.

    Since they don’t have any sweetness, you’ll want to add a sweetener to your drink like sugar or Splenda (depending on if you want any added sugar or not) but utilizing those flavor swirls can lead to huge calorie savings.

    3. Ask for a splash of milk

    This option isn’t built into my nutrition calculator, but that’s mostly because it’s not an option when ordering online. However, if you’re ordering in-store, you can easily ask for a splash of milk.

    While this won’t work for any dairy-based drinks like lattes or cappuccinos, you can add a splash of milk to your coffee with no problem. Doing so will have very minimal calories, 5-10 in most cases, and still help to cut the acidity of your coffee.

    4. Skip the cream

    Unless you’re ordering just a splash of cream like in the previous tip, adding cream to your coffee can add quite a bit of calories.

    A large hot coffee with skim milk contains just 25 calories, but a large coffee with cream contains 120 calories. Cream is mostly fat (a large coffee with cream contains 12 grams of fat) so those calories get tacked on very easily.

    5. Ask for no whipped cream or toppings

    Whipped cream is delicious, so I hate to give you this tip, but removing the whipped cream from your latte is a very simple way to save some calories.

    Dunkin signature lattes come with whipped cream and a caramel or mocha drizzle, but leaving them off will save you a fair amount of calories and grams of sugar. The whipped cream adds roughly 60 calories to any drink, and the drizzle on top adds an extra 20 calories.

    There’s certainly a time and place for delicious toppings, but it’s one of the easiest calorie-savers at Dunkin. If you want to spice up your coffee, you can always add a little cinnamon on top for some calorie-free added flavor.

    Healthy Breakfast Options To Pair With Dunkin Coffee

    Kickstarting your morning with coffee is never a bad idea, but it’s even better when paired with some delicious breakfast.

    Of course you can pair your regular coffee with a Dunkin’ donut, but if you’re searching for some healthy options, here’s a visual guide to help you out.

    Note that Dunkin’ is often releasing limited-time food items, so you may not see the most recent breakfast items below. However, most of the basics are covered:

    Dunkin’ breakfast sandwiches are served on an English muffin, bagel, or croissant (except the sourdough breakfast sandwiches).

    If you’re looking to keep your calories down, an English muffin will be the lowest-calorie option to choose.

    Unfortunately, Dunkin’ removed egg whites from their menu, so all of the breakfast sandwich options contain whole eggs. Even still, if you go with an egg & cheese English muffin, it’s a great option for only 340 calories.

    Wake up wraps are also great low-calorie options at Dunkin, although they are relatively small. Each wake up wrap contains fewer than 300 calories, and with about 10g of protein to boot, it makes for a decent option.

    If you prefer baked goods over sandwiches, Dunkin’ has plenty of options for you, but they are not necessarily the lowest-calorie breakfast items out there.

    Most bagels at Dunkin’ will be between 300-400 calories, not including any cream cheese, and the muffins all fall between the 400-600 calorie range.

    Donuts contain around the same calories as bagels (you can see the full donut calorie breakdown in this post) but they will be far less filling overall, so you will likely prefer to stick with the bagels. Unless you want to throw a Munchkin or two in there for good measure.

    If you truly do not want a breakfast sandwich, but you want an option that’s lower in calories than most of the baked goods you see here, the omelet bites are solid options.

    While small, they are pretty filling, and I can tell you from experience that they are actually quite delicious. With either 180 or 280 calories, depending on the type, they’re a great healthy choice.

    Healthy Breakfast Sandwich Hack

    If you want to enjoy a delicious breakfast sandwich, I’ve got a great little trick to keep the calories low and the protein higher.

    Since Dunkin’ doesn’t currently offer any egg white sandwiches, you can create your own by ordering a plain English muffin along with the Egg White Omelet Bites.

    When paired together, your custom sandwich will contain 370 Calories, 13g Fat, 42g Carbs, and 19g Protein.

    While the regular egg & cheese muffin contains slightly fewer calories with 340, this hack is a great way to bump the protein content up.

    Share The Love

    Justice Shaffer

    Wednesday 29th of May 2024

    Can you add matcha lattes and refreshers and sparked energy drinks? Thank you

    Matt Rosenman

    Wednesday 5th of June 2024

    It's on my short list to give this a complete overhaul and make the calculator much more like the Starbucks calculator I have. Coming soon!


    Monday 6th of May 2024

    Can you add Iced Hot chocolate please?

    Matt Rosenman

    Wednesday 8th of May 2024

    I am actually working on revamping this entire calculator and providing way more options- stay tuned!

    About Matt Rosenman

    With over 15 years of experience in health and fitness, Matt Rosenman is the expert voice behind Matt’s philosophy is simple: no foods are off-limits, and a healthy lifestyle shouldn't be complicated or restrictive. As a former certified personal trainer with a bachelor’s degree in Health Behavioral Sciences, Matt brings well-rounded expertise to his blog. From revamping classic recipes with a nutritious twist to breaking down fast food menus, his goal is make healthy living less confusing for everyone. Featured in major publications and with a strong following on social media, Matt is committed to making “healthy” uncomplicated—no matter where you are in your health journey. Join Matt on his mission to simplify health without sacrificing flavor. Learn More